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Office lockers REA 2020 lockin australia 11 landscape

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Real Estate Australia office lockers

Real elegance

architect FutureSpace

builder Buildcorp Interiors

location Melbourne Australia

When a globally successful digital property business undertakes a new office fitout, you can be sure a keen eye will be cast over every detail! Our fitout for the REA Group’s new Melbourne office was for their new seven-floor office space in Cremorne, connected to existing offices via a sky bridge.

Interior architects FutureSpace chose our popular H3 locker for the workspace. A total of 363 lockers were installed across the floors, each bank located adjacent to the kitchen and near the staircase and lift lobbies for ease of access. Locker doors were constructed using a sleek Laminex Raw Birchply, and feature a black code lock locking system and matching locker number.

Built into each bank were matching coat cupboards finished in the Raw Birchply laminate. Our parent company ISM we're contracted for the joinery package for this project creating a consistent finish throughout.